
回答: 請問:綠卡renew?還是直接辦公民。West62021-03-20 21:16:57

請問: 我的綠卡今年10 月到期, 打算申請公民, 但覺得應該沒可能在到期前辦好。是不是應該先辦綠卡renew?再辦公民。謝謝!

-You don't have to renew the green card unless you need to travel abroad or change job after the green card expires and before you get the US citizenship. The green card expiration does not affect your permanent residency.

另外: 綠卡renew或辦公民, 需要中國護照複印件嗎?

-Not need.

我的中國護照已經過期,但因為covid, 暫時沒有延期。


謝謝老師回複 -West6- 給 West6 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2021 postreply 14:26:20
