兩年的婚姻綠卡5月份到期,剛申請換領十年綠卡,但因父親在中國身體狀況突然出現嚴重問題,醫生已經口頭發出危險通知。請教:1、在兩年綠卡到期後如果十年綠卡不能及時發出(聽說最近這種情況非常多),能否申請類似advance parole之類的文件?
-Did you conduct the fingerpirnting yet? If your conditional green card expired and you conduct the finerprinting, the IO will put a sticker note on your green card indicating that your conditional green card is extended for another year before you receive the permanent green card. Then, you can file I-131 to apply for reentry permit which allows you to stay in China for > one year < two years (you don't need to wait for the permanent green card to file I-131). You don't need to wait for the reentry permit apprvoal to leave US, but you need to conduct the fingerprinting for the reentry permit before you leave US.
If your conditional green card does not expire yet, you can file I-131 now and provide the copy of your I-751 Receipt Notice (i.e. the receipt notice of application for permanent green card)