
回答: 父母持綠卡返美急問,8老師請進lilylucy2021-02-18 19:28:08

父母2019年10月持綠卡(當時持有綠卡已滿一年)回國,2020年疫情爆發,沒能如期返美(當時沒有考慮超過一年回美,所以沒有提前申請回美RE-ENTRY PERMIT),現在疫情好轉計劃返美,請問8老師這種情況該如何處理, 急問。

-Technically, their green card are void and they need to apply for SB-1 visa to return to US to reinstate their green card. If thye don't have SB-1 visa, sometimes the IO at the port of entry might make a compromise to let them enter US (not guarentee, depends on how lucky they are).
