For I-130:不需要,For 調整身份或移民簽證:需要

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For I-130, not required:

A mother: Submit a copy of your birth certificate showing your name and your mother’s name.

A father: Submit a copy of your birth certificate showing the names of both parents. Also submit a copy of your parents’ marriage certificate establishing that your father was married to your mother. If either your mother or father were previously married, submit copies of documents showing that each of the prior marriages was legally terminated. If you are filing for a stepparent or adoptive parent, or if you are filing for your father and you were born out of wedlock, see Items D., H., and I. in these Instructions for additional information on proving your family relationship.

For I-485 or Consular Processing:

They need birth certificate or "出生公證書“



明白了,謝謝! -美東馬大哈- 給 美東馬大哈 發送悄悄話 (32 bytes) () 12/21/2020 postreply 12:10:09
