8老師你好 給國內的父母辦理I130申請 我收到了NVC的郵件 在ceac.state/gov網站上登錄了父母的信息 我想請教一下 那個移民財政擔保AOS費用父母都要交嗎 還是說隻交一個$120就可以了 因為他們兩個的頁麵都顯示Pay Now 謝謝8老師
-Read the following cited from:
I paid the AOS fee for one case; do I have to pay the same fee for my other cases?
You must pay the Affidavit of Support fee for each case unless you are petitioning for your spouse and/or child(ren) and submit your Affidavit of Support for each case to the NVC at the same time.