我家小孩(6歲)是H4 簽證,簽證上麵顯示在美停留的有效期是 2/1/2018 --- 1/31/2021,小孩在2018年的6-8月回了一趟國,2018年8月返美的時候由於其護照在2019年6月10號過期(孩子已經換了新的護照),美國海關所給的在美有效停留時間到2019年6月10號(I-94 Admit until date: 06/10/2019 )。由於近期要給孩子延H4,才發現這一情況。請問八老師上麵情況是否影響孩子在美合法停留?是否影響延H4? 謝謝您!
-Your child ahs been unlawful present in US since 06/10/2019, more than one year. He/she cannot extend the H4 status or change status in US. Your kid needs to leave US to get the H4 visa to reenter US to have the legal status at your convenience. Fortunately, your kid is less than 18 years old, so he/she will not be subjected to 10-year bar.