我在2012年幫小妹申請移民,5月初批了,6月初(30天內)收到NVC的信, 給了case number和invoice ID, 讓在一年內到CEAC登錄。我原來的理解是 排期快到時NVC才聯係我。他們這麽早聯係我,我上錄材料會不會在排期到時作廢?還有5, 6年,也許更久,情況可能會變。信是寄到我家, 但是寫給我妹的,我可以登陸上去嗎?
-NVC normally contact you, not the beneficiary.You can do it for your sister and her family members using her name to set up an account in the online system. Just provide what NVC required.
要選申請人, 還是petitioner?我是petitioner,怕信給我妹一定要她登錄。
早時我申請大妹批準後 NVC就給了個case number,說不要聯係NVC除非改地址,隻等他們再聯係我。現在離B表排期隻幾個月都沒動靜。小妹申請的晚反而move到下一步。是近幾年NVC改變處理方式了?我怕是NVC把她們兩個弄混了。
-It is possible they missed up the two cases. So, you had better call NVC to clarify it.