8老師,您好。我的父母1月份綠卡麵試在廣州通過,移民簽證6月過期。現在的旅行禁令以及疫情讓他們來不了美國。我參照您在其他帖子裏的建議,到廣州使領館那裏填了表格,得到的是自動回複,大致是說 ”Once the proclamation is lifed, if you visa has expired, please contact us regarding your case via our webform"。既然這樣說,是不是也沒有別的辦法了,謝謝。
-That means if 旅行禁令is removed after the visa expires in June, then your parents need to contact them again for issuing a new visa to them just as you did this time. It seems the US Consulate in China is closed during of this period of ime, so you cannot do anything now but wait.