因為我兒子現在隻有6歲,他的所有表都是我們幫他填的。在485 page 15, part 10. Applicat’s statement, declaration, certification and signature.
1.a ( 本來選的這個,但我覺得不對)I can read and understand English, and I have read and understand every question and instruction and my answer to every question.
1.b The interpreter named in part 11. read to me.
2. At my request, the preparer named in part 12. ( )prepared this application for me.
是不是應該選 2, 然後( )裏填我的名字?
另外,我老公多年前第一次申請美國簽證的時候被拒過,在485 的part 8.( General Eligibility and Inadmissibility Grounds) 的 question 14. ( Have you ever been denied admission to the United States?) and question 15( Have you Ever been denied a visa to the United States?), 應該怎麽填呢?