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回答: 追問8老師FL3302019-10-06 18:06:01

查詢顯示10/04 早上10:07 ready for pick up, 下午4:20再次ready for pick up

最後簽字pick up是10/05 早上6:21, 難道移民局周六一大早派人去簽收文件?

Receipt date is the date arrived USCIS Post Box? or the date they pick up?

-No. It is the date USCIS put the information into their system. Normally, the person to pick up the mail is just the regular staff, not the person who put the information into the system. Hope the IO put the information into the system immediately on the same date when the package was picked up.

本來寄出時要求no signature requirement.

2次USCIS都沒有Pick up在10/04 

這個tracking history可以和他們argue?-Argue what? Everyone has the experince to miss the mail all the time,  right. 

謝謝8 老師!
