1. 回美證的申請是單獨寄小孩的申請表?夫妻2人的申請表也分開寄?
-You can put all of the applications in one package and send them out. But you had better send each application separately, in case the IO mess up the documents
2. 回美證的原件要寄回,已經過期的綠卡是寄複印件?-Yes, just send the photocopy of the green card.
3. 每個人的申請表需要附上一個cover letter?-This document is not required. But if you want to provide it, each person needs to have separate one.
還是直接把支票,131表,護照/綠卡複印件,綠卡延長信的收據,照片釘在一起寄出去?-Don't staple the documents and just need to clip each document with paper clip.