忘記說了,我自己是公民。 還有,剛聯係上一個在美國本地做公證服務的人,說我其實可以自己翻譯那個結婚證複印件,然後去 UPS做公證:1)結婚證是原件的複印件 2)我的翻譯是與中文原文相符的。我有些躍躍欲試了,不知道這樣證據會夠了嗎?
-Your father and your mom's marriage certificate and divorce certificate are required. You had better ask one of your friend to translate it for you and then, your friend also needs to write a statement addressing that he/she knows both English and Chinese well, and the translation is accurate to the oringial copy.
Read these links carefully for the USCIS requirements for the translation:
Anyway, just do whatever you can and explain it during the interview if the IO asks.