到時候就要受製於新規。我查了政府網站,以後要綜合考察,他們三口人,小孩10歲,基本上沒有任何優勢,沒有文憑,收入很低,又沒有資產,很讓人擔心。新規提到,If the alien's household income is less than 125 percent of the FPG, DHS will generally consider whether the alien has assets and resources is at least five times the difference between the household income and 125 percent of the FPG based on the household size. 雖然不是強行規定一定要資產達標,但這是唯一可能做點什麽的地方。但是因為費用比較高,不知道值不值得做。
-You worry too much. As long as you have enough money to support them, it will be fine. Also, your borther and his wife are still young and they can work after they immigrate to US.
另外,還提到public charge bond 的事,不知道這個怎麽執行。
當然現在因為還沒執行,很多隻能猜測。不知道執行以後有沒有什麽地方可以了解親屬移民簽證的情況,比如拒拒簽率是否上升,有多少需要執行Bond,以及bond 的一般金額。