我老公在國內工作, 我是公民,現在美國工作。老公的綠卡今年十月過期,他想renew。 他7年前回國工作,之後近4年每年在美國的居住時間不超過1個月,有時隻是2 周左右。請問這種情況綠卡可以renew成功的幾率有多大?值得他在10 月前急著回美renew嗎? 謝謝!!!
-Does he have reentry permit? If yes, he will have no problem to enter US. If no, he may have trouble when he enters US because he has stayed in China for too long and got warning before. Of course, if he can enter US smoothly, he has no problem to renew his green card.