我的情況比較特殊。我是綠卡,在美工作。孩子現年15歲, 在國內。She had been in the US for 4 years in Elenmentary School.
IF等她決定要來,然後申請綠卡when she is in China,需要等待太久,恐怕又生變故。我是否可以先讓她通過訪問,譬如旅遊簽證啥的come to the US,然後在這裏替她申請綠卡。
-The problem is that she has to keep the legal status until she files I-485, so B2 status may not be kept for that long. Also, she had better wait for about 3 months before you file the green card application for her in case USCIS consider her to have B2 visa fraud.