我綠卡過期了,過期前申請了N400, 並且打了指紋。剛剛收到offer要換工作,請問8老師這種情況下我是不是隻需在護照上加 I-551 stamp就可以去新公司上班?我能否拿N400的receipt或指紋的receipt去移民局的field office 做 I-551 stamp,還是必須renew綠卡(I-90) 後才可以?這兩種情況下去field office都要帶上什麽文件?多謝多謝!!
-If you filed N-400 more than 6 months before your green card expired, you can bring your passport and the N-400 receipt notice to the local USCIS Field Office to get the green card stamp to work. Otherwise, you need to file I-90. Call USCIS first by 1 (800) 375-5283 and then, get USCIS approval to make an appointment.