
回答: 請問8老師wnes2019-05-07 09:34:53


我姨媽給我母親十幾年前申請了親屬移民但是一直沒排上,現在我可以給我母親申請移民嗎?-Yes if you are a US citizedn. 沒有什麽影響吧?-Not affect anything.


境內申請綠卡也需要提交無犯罪記錄公證嗎?-Not need it if they file I-485 in US.

父母有了綠卡後可以立即回國嗎?-Yes, but had better not stay outside US for > 6 months. 如果不急著入籍,最多在境外不能超過多久?-If they are not used to living in US permanently, they had better not get the green card. I have seen many Chinese's parents abandoned their green card because they were not used to living in US.

有綠卡父母,但沒有美國收入,必須報稅和有醫療保險嗎?-If their income is lower than the threshold for IRS tax filing, they don't need to file the tax return, but they had better have health insurance.

