我在給父母申請綠卡,移民局反饋說出生公證不合格,缺少ID number. 這個出生公證是二十年前辦的,也是我用來申請綠卡,以及父母來美多次申請簽證用的,從來都沒有過問題。如果從新辦,我已經早就沒有國內的ID。請問8老師,這種情況該怎麽辦?多謝了!
-I have never heard that the ID number is required to be on the birth certificate. So, it is very strange. Probbaly the IO is not experienced.
If you cannot do the birht certificate again to meet the requirement. You may just address that there was not ID number in the birth certificate in your area in China when you was born and then, provide the secondary evidence such as 戶口本 which contains your name and both your parents' names or any other documents to prove your relationship with your parents (i.e. family membership).