1. part 3. Beneficiary's physical address中11a 我填寫了在美國的地址(因為我父母現在人在美國)請問:13a應該填哪裏的地址呢?父母在中國的地址還是填“SAME” (Provide the beneficiary's address outside the United States, if different from Item Numbers 11.a. - 11.h. If the address is the same, type or print "SAME" in Item Number 13.a. )
2.Part4 information about beneficiary 中請問這裏的地址填哪裏的呢?中國的還是美國的?(If the beneficiary's native written language does not use Roman letters, type or print his or her name and foreign address in their native written language.)
Part1,24.what is your current immigration status (if it has changed since your arrival)? 應該填什麽?
Part 2。 Address History, 我父母近5年來基本上是半年美國半年中國,這應該怎麽填寫?
Part 10,是不是選了2 (preparer)就不用選1a,1b(interpreter)了?