
回答: 8老師,DS260填表問題huih2019-02-24 10:47:34

母親在中國,我正在填寫DS260 (等8老師回複時問到了1-2的答案,貼出來供其他人參考)

1 DS260上讓填寫綠卡郵寄的美國地址(我的居住地址),請問綠卡是郵寄到哪裏?

-Your address.

如果郵寄給我,母親來美入關時怎麽辦?-She will use the immigrant visa (stamp) to enter US.


2 DS260上問申請社安號,填Yes還是No。如果填Yes,母親到美國後,還能再申請社安號嗎?(填Yes, 這個還需要去社安局辦還是會自動寄來就不知道了)-If you fill yes, then the SSN card will be mailed to you, and she does not need to go to teh local SSA office to apply for it. If you fill no, then she needs to go to the locall SSA to apply for it.

3 我父親去世,civil document要求提供Marriage Terminate Certificate,這個是去公證處辦嗎?要帶什麽證明呢?父母結婚證找不到了。(公證處回複沒有Marriage Terminate  Certificate, 分析是否是父親去世公證。僅辦去世公證可以嗎)-Not need to provide such a document, and just fill "Deceased" in the related item on DS 260 (if asked there).


謝謝8老師 -huih- 給 huih 發送悄悄話 huih 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/25/2019 postreply 10:21:07
