8老師,請問您“If you leave US any time before you get the plastic green card, you use the stamped (endorsed) visa to come back to US. ”,我第一次入境的時間長度有沒有什麽要求?比如待夠半年? 沒拿到plastic green card 時,中間有事情離開美國,最長不能超過多長時間必須回美國?
8老師,請問您“If you leave US any time before you get the plastic green card, you use the stamped (endorsed) visa to come back to US. ”,我第一次入境的時間長度有沒有什麽要求?比如待夠半年? 沒拿到plastic green card 時,中間有事情離開美國,最長不能超過多長時間必須回美國?
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