8老師, 我綠卡麵試後收到移民局RFE, 要求提供以前的pay stubs 和legal status 證明。突然發現我填的I485以前工作的公司的工作起始日期比實際日期早兩到三個星期,比如我的TN簽證是10月25日, 但我填的工作從10月10日開始。
我的問題是我在RFE 裏需要改這個日期嗎? 不改會有問題嗎?要改怎麽解釋呢?
-It does not matter. Not have to explain it. Because your I-485 filing was based on I-140 (i.e. employment-based), it will not affect your I-485 approval even if you started to work earlier than the TN effective date for a few days.