8老師好,向您請教H4申請的相關問題: 我在去年5月來到新公司上班,新公司隻給我轉了H1B,有效期到2020年四月, 我的愛人還在使用我上一任雇主給辦的H4,有效期到明年中旬,她的H4 EAD也是明年中旬同樣時間到期。我們現在在DIY給我愛人申請我新公司的H4, 填i-539表時有幾個地方不明白,求8老師指點:
1. part 4, "if you are the principle applicant, provide your current passport information", 我愛人獨自申請轉H4,這個principle applicant是她還是我?
2. 今年六月份的時候,我公司的移民律師給我們同時提交了140和485,但是因為信用卡付費失敗,485申請被退回,140 被接收,之後排期倒退,沒有再次提交485。在這個背景下,i-539 part 4 的question 3, 4, 5 這麽回答對嗎?
- Are you or any other person included on the application, an applicant for an immigrant visa? ---No
- Has an immigrant pertition ever been filed for you or any other person included in this application? --Yes
- Has Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, ever been filed by you or by any other person included in this application? -- Yes