7/27寄出 485 & 130, 8/23接到RFE:
1. submit all supporting tax doc. for the most recent year.
我前年被公司lay off, 去年收入隻有alimony received ($19k) , 沒有W-2, 1099之類的, 之前已附上divorce decree and MSA (離婚協議), 還要什麽呢?
-Did you file the tax return of 2017? If no, you need to explain why you did not file it (e.g. your income was lower that the requirement of IRS for tax return filing, so you were required to file the tax return, thus you did not file it).
我2017報稅了(收入就是不足一年的alimony, 19k) ,並且把稅表附在I-864 後,並附上Divorce Decree 及 離婚協議,但我沒有1099或W-2等等,還需要什麽報稅支持材料嗎?
2。Based on the doc. submitted with I-864, the income did not meet 125%. Submit evidence of assets that meet the standards listed below or obtain a different joint sponsor.
個人收入情況:alimony ( 5年limited duration) $27000/y 從去年三月開始。今年三月剛找了一份lab小時工,開出的employment letter上寫明年收入 $22000/y (折算今年實收將有$17000), 這樣今年收入應該有$44000, 兩個孩子加父母,五口人聯邦125%應為$36775, 應該夠啊!雇主是正規單位,employment letter 也應該沒問題呀。
-USCIS used your income of 2017 to estimate whether you have the financial ability to meet the 125% of the poverty line in 2018. So, obviously your income does not meet the requirement. If your parents apply for the green card in 2019, then you can use your income of 2018 to support them, and thus your income will be OK.
不是很明白您的意思,您是說我隻能等到2019才能幫他們申請嗎?這次申請(2018年7月)income 肯定不夠了是嗎?那麽我這次的income到底算多少呢?就是2017稅表上的19k嗎?他們不考慮今年的收入情況嗎?
另外我為防萬一,交表時已附上銀行清單(是父母名下的美國銀行帳戶), $70k current balance, 12month 平均也有$51k.
-Your parents' money cannot be used to sponsor themselves.
要找joint sponsor 感覺不大容易,如果需要另加存款證明可能還是可以的(五萬,八萬?) 再就是用父母國內的退休金作為總收入? 或是房產證作為 Assets?
-You can use your personal properties such as, your bank deposit, stock, your house market value for this RFE, but your parents' property cannot be used for this issue.
好的,我考慮存入現金存成CD, 因為bank statement 要看12月平均,現在存進去也來不及了。您看可以嗎?IRA上還有點錢也加上去。
父母來過美國多次,這次是B-2十年簽,4月份來的。目前我沒有找joint sponsor.