請教8老師 國內朋友的朋友小孩還沒出生但父母不想要了。我和老公(都有綠卡多年,已經可以申請公民)想領養但無法回國住兩年。最優方案是1)先以綠卡辦海外領養 再轉公民時辦130,
-It is fine, but the adopted child needs to apply for B2 visa to come to US to live with you. I have see some people did this way and got it successfully, but some cases did not work because the adopted child did not get the B2 visa. So, it depends how lucky you are.
還是 2)先轉公民,然後走 Hague adoption (能指定我已經看中的小孩嗎)? 多謝指教
-This is a good way, but the procedure is somewhat complicate.
• 非常感謝8老師的回複,再請教, 如果方案一 B2簽證拿不下來, 可以接著走方案二Hague adoption嗎? -Hopebmw- ♂ (1758 bytes) () 08/15/2018 postreply 08:06:53
• Hey, if you allow me ask third question. Question 3: if the ki -Hopebmw- ♂ (0 bytes) () 08/15/2018 postreply 17:13:11
• Reply -863211- ♂ (3063 bytes) () 08/16/2018 postreply 13:20:16
• 8先生, 再次感謝! -Hopebmw- ♂ (0 bytes) () 08/16/2018 postreply 19:57:33