謝謝8老師上次的指導。864 表的24.a 是要 My total income (adjusted gross income on IRS Form 1040EZ) as reported on my Federal income tax returns for the most recent three years。也就是我的收入。
可是我和先生共同file的tax。IRS寄給我的Tax Return Script 也是一起的,沒有分到個人。Interest, divident, 銀行利息等也都是共同賬戶的。不知道怎麽分。難道要每一項都平均分開,得到個人的收入?
-You may just put your personal income there from your W2, and put the investment income to your spouse's income in I-864A.
還是我就糊裏糊塗填上家庭收入,與Tax Return Script一致?會有問題嗎?