不好意思又來麻煩8老師。 我在辦理130的時候,要求RFE,說因為出生公證辦理時間晚於出生時間太多。 因為其他材料實在不好找,我就想請兩位親屬幫我做affidavit。可是到了公證處他們說他們沒有辦理affidavit公證的這項業務。 請問這個東西其他人都公證嗎?還是隻要簡單有個中英文的版本就行?不需要公證?
-Just ask your friend to translate it into English and go to the Notary Public to notarize your friend's signature on the translation version. Your friend also needs to write a statement addressing that he/she knows both English and Chinese well and the translation is accurate. See: