8老師,如果一直是同一家consulting firm (不是client company) 出麵辦綠卡,開始perm 是第一家client company(用他們的地址為 employer's physical address), 140 時已經換到第二家(不同的physical address),但這時候律師用的 employer's physical address 還是perm 時第一家的,這樣會有問題嗎? 要不要告訴律師? 還是等以後做 amendament?
-Why does your employer (the consulting firm) use the client address? Does the consulting firm have no physical address? Doesn't the consulting firm have no Human Resources? Talk to your lawyer.
-You do not need the employer address in I-485, but you need the employment verification letter from the employer (the consulting firm) and the I-140 approval notice.