
回答: 請教8老師xushaoyan2018-02-04 17:42:00


1. 去年在沒有綠卡的情況下離職回到中國,最近兩個月可能會有美國這邊的麵試,是不是旅遊簽證是最好的(或其實就是唯一的)方式?  如果是,我倒是可以有很多前同事幫我發邀請函,那麽在 簽證麵試的時候需要注意些什麽嗎?
-There following is cited at:

Are Job Interviews Allowed on a B-1 Visa?

Job interviews and contacting prospective U.S. employers are not specifically forbidden while visiting the U.S. using a B-1 visa.

However, if you state to the consular official that your purpose in visiting the U.S. is to interview for employment, he or she may infer that you intend to move to the U.S. permanently and deny your visa. While you should always be truthful in your applications and statements to U.S. government officials, you may want to state that your business purpose is to confer with associates unless asked specifically whether you are planning to interview. If you do reveal that you are interested in eventually working in the U.S., make sure to have plenty of evidence to prove that you would return to your home country and apply for the appropriate employment-based visa or green card before starting a position with a U.S. employer.

-It is irrelevant to the prospective employer.

2. 如果以旅遊簽證入境,我直奔麵試地點(絕非旅遊勝地), 會被發現/禁止嗎?-It should be fine. Nobody will care about when you go after you enter US.


3. 今年發現很多招人的學校都說自己是participant of E-Verify. 而且麵對麵都加問 了 are you eligible to work in the US? (後麵一句是will you need the sponsorship of working visa)?  以前有人說這種問題就是形式,直接回答yes就是了,現在還這樣答嗎?
-It is very important for you to answer this question seriously. It asked you whether you need the employer to sponsor you a working visa (e.g. H-1) to work in US legally. If you don't have a green card or EAD, etc., you need to say "Yes". Otherwise, you will not be hired.

4. 我的護照是2019年1月初到期,如果麵試發生在今年四五月份,需不需要先換護照再登機?-The passport should be valid for at least 6 months plus the time you plan to stay in US (e.g. if you plan to stay in US for 3 months, then your passport needs to have the validity for  6 + 3 = 9 months).
