母親辦移民,走國內程序,填130表。感謝您前麵的回複, 還有兩個問題:
1. I-130 Part4,Name of Beneficiary's Spouses (if any), 父親已經去世,還需要填寫他的名字嗎?我看要求 "list all the beneficiary's prior spouses(if any)".
-Yes, your father is your mother's prior spouse (write "Deceased" there e.g. in address part)
2. I-130 Part5, "Have you EVER previously filed a petition for this beneficiary or any other alien?" 因為以前給妹妹遞交過,Date Filed 是寫妹妹的receipt date。我看了妹妹的收據I-797C,receipt date和priority date一樣。我需要在媽媽的申請中附上妹妹的I-797C嗎?
-Not need.