
回答: 請問8老師:申請renew 綠卡infoshare2018-01-30 20:42:18

請問8老師:renew 綠卡 第3部分 的前兩個問題:

"where did you apply for your immigrant visa or adjustment of status" and "Where was your immigrant visa or adjustment of status issued"

我是H1 入境, 在美國境內拿的綠卡(adjustment of status).  怎樣才能找到 which USCIS office my case was applied and which USCIS of Adjustment of status issued"
-Find it from your I-485 approval notice or receipt notice to see which USCIS Service Center sent you this document. This SVC is where your adjustment of status was issued.

謝謝8 老師


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