
回答: 請教8老師關於配偶 follow-to-join申請綠卡阿瞬2017-12-29 20:15:33


我是兩年前通過H1B得到的綠卡,先生以前是H4來美,近兩年都是B2. 現在他想申請綠卡。我翻看了相關的帖子,我的理解是:

1. 他目前B2的身份在美國,他可以直接file 485;

2. 他需要等2-3個月後再file 485嗎?-He had better wait for two to three months to file I-485 in case USCIS consider that he has the immigrant intent before he entered US using B2 visa (visa fraud).

3. 他的B2是6個月的,到期了怎麽辦?需要離開美國再入境嗎? 那時用什麽簽證?-After he files I-485, he can legally stay in US to wait for the green card approval even if the 2 status expires. If he wants to leave US during I-485 pending, he needs to apply for advance parole to travel.



多謝8老師詳細解答,新年萬事如意 -阿瞬- 給 阿瞬 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/31/2017 postreply 23:04:50
