-If your provide the original to 公證處, then some 公證處 can verify the photocopy is from the original one, then it is also OK to provide the photocopy. So, contact the 公證處.
請教8老師,在向nvc提交的移民申請材料中,有一份‘無犯罪記錄證明公證書’,日前vnc來郵件列出該文件,並稱‘documents are missing or need additional information’,但並未具體指出是什麽問題。我的公證書是有已過有效期的問題,除此之外,我不知道還有沒有其他什麽問題。所以,請教8老師,‘無犯罪記錄公證書’需不需要附上公安局的證明原件?
-If your provide the original to 公證處, then some 公證處 can verify the photocopy is from the original one, then it is also OK to provide the photocopy. So, contact the 公證處.
-If your provide the original to 公證處, then some 公證處 can verify the photocopy is from the original one, then it is also OK to provide the photocopy. So, contact the 公證處.