1)我妹妹under H1,今年8月回去過,拿到了H1 簽證,回美國後換了工作,剛拿到新的H1,在這種情況下,再回國要不要再簽證?8月的h1簽證還是有效,但是雇主變了。
-Not need to get a new H-1 visa because the old H-1 visa is still valid. Just bring the new H-1 approval notice with the new employer's employment verification letter, etc.
2)我妹夫F1 OPT, H1抽簽沒抽上,F1曾經回國過,辦了簽證,仍然有效。在這種情況下,他能不能回國?
-Depends on how long his OPT duration left. If it is a couple of months that his OPT will end, then it is somewhat risky to use F-1 visa to reenter US. Talk to his school International Student Office to prepare the paperwork for the travel before he leaves.