老婆二月份申請綠卡延期,打了收印。 綠卡本來七月到期,打手印時卡上貼了一紙條,說到十一月到期。 現在十月份了,音信皆無。 我的問題是假設十一月綠卡到期時延期還沒批準,她是否還可以繼續工作,
-Not need. If the employer ask her to present the valid green card, she just needs to bring the I-90 receipt notice and the passport to the local USCIS Office to get the green card stamp. If not asked, just work. The green card expiration does not affect her permanent resident status. Just like your China passport expiration does not affect your Chinese citizenship.
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• 謝謝為大家排疑解惑的八大俠, 簡直就是當代活雷鋒啊。移民論壇全靠您了。 -rz- ♂ (114 bytes) () 10/10/2017 postreply 15:24:40