以前說過我現在第二次重新辦perm, 140 和485. 現在準備交140。 律師在問我要不要premium processing 140. 我說不用,因為我不需要等140批準才可以交485. 律師說是不用等,但如果我要extend H1B,就需要。
我不太明白了,難道我第一次批準了的140 不能保證我可以繼續extend h1b了嗎?
-Of course you can use the old approved I-140 to extend your H-1 beyond the 6-year limit as long as the old employer does not withdraw it.
我好像記得他們有一次提到過“withdraw old 140", 當時覺得我的old 140 又不是他們幫我辦的,他們沒權withdraw, 以為是他們筆誤。 難道第二次辦綠卡,可以withdraw第一次的140 嗎?
-Only the old employer (petitioner) or the lawyer hired by the old employer can ask USCIS to withdraw it.