上次問道HB1轉B2的事。見 http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/immigration/606052.html
1. 那麽我是不是可以轉B1?
-You had better consult an immigrant lawyer if you want to apply for B-1 to see how big the opportunity USVIS will approve your B-1..
2. 是不是要對方公司出一份邀請信(Company head letter)?
3. 轉B1跟轉B2 Pending 的時間是不是差不多?
1. 護照號碼時要填新的護照(上個月才換的)還是舊的(最近一次入境和申請H1B時用的?
-Use new/valid passport.
2. The new status and effective data of change 要如何填? 是不是填 last paycheck date +60 grace period)?
比如 last paycheck date 是到8/4的話,那麽 The new status and effective data of change是不是可以填10/1?
-Just put the last date you are legal to stay. USCIS will determine the actual effective date for you.
3. 交申請表是不是要附上新舊2本護照的和I-94的複印件? 還要銀行開的Financial statement嗎?