美國簽證中心已經寄來了麵談預約信,時間也定了。可是,比較費解的是,信上要求我們去uscis網站上下載各領事館的麵談instructions,而廣州總領館要求我們使用什麽Cgi Stanley的服務去預約。首先要在這裏create new user:
我在不同電腦不同時間用不同的電子郵件做用戶名,試了幾次,無法成功create user. 提示比較奇怪:
- Your request cannot be processed at this time. The site administrator has been alerted.
- The account associated with this portal has no owner
- User could not be created. Please ensure First Name and Last Name are entered as they are in your passport.
請教過來人或知情人,create user有什麽特別要求嗎?我犯了什麽比較低級的錯誤?這裏先謝謝了!