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回答: 請教8老師:綠卡排期和孩子申請大學xjlu2017-08-02 14:15:44

請教8老師:我們全家來美六年多,在2013年8月遞交485,現女兒持H4, 有回美證,綠卡排期按照現在EB2的推進,估計到年底拿綠卡,女兒今年下半年申請大學,是按照國際生對待還是提交相關材料可以按照綠卡持有者條件申請大學? 謝謝!
-She cannot be a green card holder to apply for the school yet. She can apply for the school as an H-4 holder, but she cannot be an F-1 student due to immigrant intent.  But I would suggest that your child use the advance parole (回美證) to travel to China, and use the AP (回美證) to reenter US to  become a parolee, then apply for the school as a parolee. Thus, she can be qualified for application for the Federal financial aid. This is much better way than as an H-4 holder.



謝謝8老師的回複。她最近有用AP從中國回美。再次感謝您的回複和指導! -xjlu- 給 xjlu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/02/2017 postreply 16:04:53

Then, that is perfect. -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/02/2017 postreply 16:05:43
