謝謝8老師的回複!如果我的新140 變current了,我就link到pending 485. 在移民局給我辦綠卡的過程中我可以換工作嗎?謝謝8老師。
-Read my above response. By the way, if your new job is the same field as your current job, you need to wait for 180 days, then change job.
謝謝8老師的回複!如果我的新140 變current了,我就link到pending 485. 在移民局給我辦綠卡的過程中我可以換工作嗎?謝謝8老師。
-Read my above response. By the way, if your new job is the same field as your current job, you need to wait for 180 days, then change job.
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