上次問到因為護照護照到05/2018到期,所以去年12月的入境I-94 valid till 12/08/2017
比H1B Approved Notice 上的valid till 09/30/2018 少了10月。見 http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/immigration/602364.html
現在我在申請換發新護照,本來想讓CBP的官員更改到09/30/2018(H-1B上的valid 日期),但是我一同事也是同樣的情況,CBP不給更改,讓她自己出境再入境。所以我計劃拿到新護照後,在9/15-9/30 出境2周,然後入境時會有新的I-94。
1. 我的簽證是到12/08/2017, 可以入境不用再簽證,隻要把新舊護照一起出示,對嗎?
-Do you mean your H-1 visa stamp on your old passport will expire on 12/08/2017? If yes, then you don't need to get a new H-1 visa stamp. Just use your old passport and the new passport to reenter US.
2. 我出境時是否要把電子版的I-94 打印處理交給機場出境的airline?
-Not need.
3. 入境時會有新的I-94, 新的I-94是到H1B approved 有效期吧?
-Yes, show both old and new passport to the IO and ask them to put the entry stamp on the new passport. Check the new I-94/entry stamp to make sure the new I-94 expiration date is the same as the H-1 expiration date on the H-1 approval notice. If no, ask the IO to fix it immediately there.