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回答: 謝謝老師回複。還有一個問題。。slcnana2017-06-28 20:13:06

請問老師, 這樣 (that I am not listed as a I140 beneficiary) 正常嗎? 到遞交 I485 的時候怎麽操作呢?
-You can file I-485 as your spouse' derivative, so your I-485 is filed based on your spouse's I-485 or green card, not the I-140. Just like that:  your H-4 status is based on your spouse's H-1 status, not related to his employer.


謝謝老師! -slcnana- 給 slcnana 發送悄悄話 (24 bytes) () 06/28/2017 postreply 21:15:21
