請教8老師, 申請reentry permit 郵寄地址的問題。謝謝!!!
1. 看8老師之前的帖子說“一些人申請reentry permit郵寄到在中國的美領館使館,實際上卻不給郵寄到中國美領館”。現在是這樣的嗎?
在香港美國領事館能取到reentry permit嗎?
-Sometimes, the mail may be lost during mailing.
2. Reentry permit I-131:
Part 2 (2.h. through 2.p.) Physical Address: 收到biometric notice?
-If you put Mailing address which is different from physical address, then the appointment notice or other USCIS mail will be sent to the mailing address, not the physical address.
Part 3 (10.a. through 10.i.): where should the notice to pick up the travel document be sent?
寫國內的地址,能收到notice嗎?如果國內的地址沒有收到notice,可以隻拿綠卡去美領館取reentry permit嗎?
- If you do not get it, you may contact USCIS to see where the mail was sent, and contact the US Consulate if it was sent there. It is risky to request the reentry permit to be sent to the US Consulate because it is not unusual the mail may be lost.