八老師,這是我準備的為父母辦綠卡的財政擔保的cover sheet. 能不能麻煩您過目一下是不是應該提交的都包括了。另外有些相關問題,請您回答一下。基本情況是我住在美國,用我自己的工作收入擔保。非常感謝!!
Order Document Enclosed Unavailable Not Applicable
1. Document Cover Sheet................................ [X ]
2. Photocopies of Supporting Documents:
Valid, unexpired passport.............................. [X] [ ] [ ] 父母的護照?(如正確,請忽略;如不正確,請指出)
Birth Certificate with translation.....................[ X] [ ] [ ] 父母的出生公證?
Adoption Documentation................................. [ ] [ ] [X ]
Marriage Certificate with translation............. [ ] [ ] [ X] 父母的結婚公證?
Marriage Termination with translation...................[ ] [ ] [ X]
Court Records with translation..........................[ ] [ ] [X ]
Military Records with translation......... …………..[ ] [ ] [ X]
Police Certificate(s) with translation.... …………[ ] [ ] [ X]
3. Signed Affidavit of Support(s).................... …[ X] [ ] [ ]
Proof of U.S. Status.............................. ……..[X ] [ ] [ ]我的入籍紙?
Proof of Domicile................................. ……..[ ] [ ] [X ] 我住在美國,所以不需要?
Petitioner's Civil Documents................. …[ ] [ ] [ X] 我自己的出生公證?
Proof of relationship (only for I-864A) …………..[ ] [ ] [X ]
Evidence of Income.............................. [ X] [ ] [ ] 這個是company letter或者pay stub隻選一個嗎?
Form(s) W-2......................................[ X] [ ] [ ]
IRS Tax Transcript...............................[ X] [ ] [ ]需要三年還是最近一年?
Federal Income Tax Returns................ ………..[ ] [ ] [X ] 如果提交tax transcript, 還需要tax return嗎?
Social Security Earnings Statement............... [ ] [ ] [X ]父母沒有在美工作,所以沒有
Proof of Assets.................................. [ ] [ ] [X ]
4. Other Supporting Documents.....................[x ] [ ] [ ] 有一個父母的無犯罪記錄公證, 需要提交嗎?