
回答: Follow up question 2seis2112017-05-07 10:56:07

情況是這樣的,我在網上已經看到有人在申請H1b時被移民局告知由於使用學校發的day1 CPT而導致F1當即失效,結果H1b Approved,但是Change of Status Denied,隻有在美國境外H1b Visa Stamp才可以。也就是說在申請H1b以前,是在按規定使用CPT並保持F1身份沒必要申請Reinstate。所以我的問題是在Change of Status已經被拒的情況下,我要Reinstate F1成功,是否可以再申請Change of Status而不用回國Stamp?
-You need to get the H-1 visa in China to come back if your F-1 status is reinstated after your employer files the H-1 petition for you because the H-1 petition approval will have no I-94 in this case. But you can stay in US with F-1 status in this case, but you cannot work unless you go to China to get the H-1 visa in China to come back.
If your F-1 reinstatement is approved first, then your employer file H-1 petition later, then your H-1 approval will have I-94, and you do not need to go to China to get the H-1 visa in this case.

I know it might not be a commom issue but I hope it clarifies this time. Thanks!


十分感謝8老師耐心答疑! -seis211- 給 seis211 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/07/2017 postreply 20:36:00
