今天在review移民材料的時候,發現移民局給老婆發了兩個A number。老婆先用L2簽證申請了EAD卡,卡上和EAD I-797批準通知上是一個A number;後來老婆的I-140批準了,今天看I-140 approval notice的時候,發現I-140上是另外一個A number。我們現在準備遞交I-485了,不知道兩個A number會不會影響我們的綠卡申請。
-No. This kidn of A# is just tempoary and it is not counted as a true A#. So, do not report it in I-485. After I-485 is filed, USCIS will issue her a true A#, and if she get the green card, this A# will be with her for the entire life unless she becomes a US citizen.