今天國內哥哥他們把材料準備好了,送去中信銀行辦事處交材料,被告知要先交簽證費,否則不予代理遞交文件。說是有個CGI 號碼,可我沒有這個號碼,而且看說明,這個好像是給旅遊簽證的。我找到跟美領館預約的簽證紙上有一個 UID “可機讀簽證繳費”的條形碼。請問是這個嗎? 可中信的人說不是,且機器讀了後顯示“號碼無效”。我們是應該在中信辦事處把簽證費交了嗎?可我在美領館的網站上明明看到說是所有移民簽證費可以在麵談當天根據領事館的匯率,使用美元或人民幣繳納。
-For most cases, the immigrant visa application fee (i.e. DS 260 fee) is paid to NVC, i.e. NVC normally send you the invorce, and then you pay the fee. Then, you file DS 260 online. I don't know why NVC did not ask you to pay the fee when you file DS 260 for your brother and his family. So I have no idea the details of application for the visa in China for your case. You had better contact the US Consulate. Here is a link about the visa application in China: