- 2003年申請時有做過notarization for marriage certificate, birth certificate,我們還有備份(原件),所以不用再做了,對吧? -Right>
- 但non-criminal record 還沒做,現在可以讓他們趕緊做這個,如果一共住過三個地址,是否要三個證明,還是十年內就行。-If all of the addressess are in China, just do one with the current address.
- Physical exam – 這個去醫院做,要怎麽跟醫生講呢?不需要領館的什麽instruction?-You need to check the US Consulate website to find the Dr. (hospital) who is authorized/recognized by the US Consulate to conduct the physical exam. The Dr. know how to do it. Only this kind of hospital/Dr. can conduct the physical exam which is accepted by the US Consulate. 我記得好像這個record要密封的。
- 非常謝謝!
perfect! Thank you very much, teach 8 ! I really appreciate your
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02/17/2017 postreply
I really appreciate your time and help!
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02/17/2017 postreply