孩子現在是F2, 在大學fulltime注課,到今年九月生日滿21周歲,F2 身份應該自動終止吧。
如果現在向學校要I-20申請轉F1,擔心學校如果知道她F2身份,會不會不讓她fulltime注課? 如果等本學期結束後(五月)再轉F1, 身份轉換的申請除理時間很長,會在她F2 過期後,會更難批準吧?
-Your child has to change his status to F-1, and do it now for fall semester (put the F-1 effective date, i.e. I-20 effective date, on the semester start date). But because he has violated the status rule to enrol full-time study as F-2 holder, he may have trouble to get the F-1 approval. You had better consult an immigrant lawyer.