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1. 本周去了local USCIS谘詢,被告知應該發I-130作為最基本的basis,可以與I-485一起發;並且不適用follow to join benefit.理由是我的名字沒有在老公的I-140上。因為沒有人petition我的application,所以老公應該作為petitioner發I-130.聽起來有道理。後來又說I-130應該現在單獨發,不能馬上發I-485.感覺這官員也不確定到底怎麽處理。又約了下周再去local USCIS谘詢到底可不可以適用follow-to-join benefit.

-The IO does not know what he was talking about. The I-140 is irrelevant to you, but your spouse only. Your I-485 filing by follwoing to join is based on your spouse's green card and your marriage, not the I-140.  I have found many peeople got married during the I-485 pending, then the spouse used following to join to get the green card. In this case, the spouse's name is impossible to be in the I-140.

Just find a lawyer to help you to file I-485 directly in US as I suggested you before. Find a Chinese lawyer or Indian lawyer that normally has more experience.

2. 與local移民律師麵談,他順著8老師說的follow-to-join benefit,說應該發I-824.並說其中的Part 2. Reason for Request Iam requesting應該select 1.a. A duplicate approval notice. 剛才粗看了instruction.這個選項的意思是If you are requesting a duplicate approval notice of the application or petition, select Item Number 1.a.我的理解是此選項要求USCIS再給我老公發一次他的綠卡批準通知。實際上我們手裏有這個通知,根本不需要USCIS再發一次。我的理解正確嗎?感覺這個律師的解釋不恰當。這裏的五個選項對境內的我來說,好像都不適用,那麽發I-824也就沒有必要了?

-I-824 is for you to apply for the immigrant visa in China, not for I-485 filing. You don't need to file I-824 if you file I-485. I have told you this several times.

If your spouse files I-824 for you to apply for immigrant visa in China, then he should choose "1.c." in Part 2. It seems this lawyer is also a garbage.

3. 有灣區律師說可以適用follow to join, 沒有必要發I-130或者824。他跟8老師的看法一致。隻是evidence of eligibility細節需要加強。目前看follow to join 是關鍵因素。如果不適用,隻能等排期,這樣我隻能離境。

-This lawyer is good. Hire this lawyer. You need to listen to me unless you want to have more trouble.

4.如果可用follow to join, 並且發了I-130也沒有壞處,是否可以I-130和I-485一起發?

-No because the priority date is not current which will take a couple of years (有排期).

5. 現在主要的糾結是可否用follow to join 和需不需要I-130和I-485一起發?
6. 請推薦有經驗的律師(發悄悄話給我)。



8老師講得非常正確而且全麵 -nydct- 給 nydct 發送悄悄話 (385 bytes) () 01/29/2017 postreply 20:12:00
